Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Who goes there? Navy Week


As a feature of the Festival of Mosman, we were fortunate
to have our own personal naval parade up Military Road.

 Navy week provided Mosmanites with fabulous local experiences, reminding us of the rich history of the area.  While researching "Mosman Meanders & foreshore flavours",  with its fortification history, I didn't come across this tradition described in the Mosman Daily. 

"Who goes there?" was the official challenge to the officers and sailors of HMAS Penguin in Mosman on Tuesday. This apparently dates back hundreds of years when HMAS Penguin sought Freedom of Entry to Mosman.  After halting, they were granted the right to enter Mosman bearing arms by an honorary Sherriff of Mosman.

 What an amazing harbour we have to showcase the naval activities. I felt  thoroughly absorbed with the history of the event;  the establishment of the  RAN being  a national symbol of our emerging sense of independence. Also great that we had a chance to express our thanks for a century of protection.  I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

 Being drenched while waiting for the tall ships to pass
through the heads -  some of them had taken a year to get
from their destination to here.

    Middle Head was our viewing point for the naval ships
 coming through the heads and  then it was great to be out
 on the harbour to experience  the jets.  Wow!
  Monday evening we went on a booked cruise around
Darling Harbour which showed how
alive and well is the tourist industry.