Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Copying in the great news for our foreshores

 Sussan Ley MP, the Environment Minister to North Head today announced an additional $40.6 million investment into the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust. This takes the total investment to more than $60 million to restore and maintain the Harbour Trust’s, military, convict, Indigenous and industrial maritime heritage sites. 

Minister Ley said this year’s Budget will ensure the start of the implementation of recommendations from the independent review of the Harbour Trust.

“The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust review was about ensuring the rich history of these amazing sites are conserved and remain in public hands and accessible to future generations,” Minister Ley said.
The Budget also supports a key review recommendation to develop a refreshed vision for Cockatoo Island and North Head Sanctuary as well as site-specific capital plans and heritage asset audits.
To read the Minister's full statement, click here.

Further information on the actions the government is taking in response to the Independent Review of the Harbour Trust is available at: https://environment.gov.au/about-us/shft-independent-review

Headland Park - Chowder Bay

Macquarie light station

North Head Sanctuary


Thursday, September 3, 2020

John Williamson - Cootamundra Wattle - A tribute to my mum


Thursday, September 3, 2020

Spring is here at last with its promise of hope.

In Mosman, camellias have finally stopped flowering just as the wattle flowers.

I love wattle and this song - sent to me by my son. I'm listening to the words, Brent. Claire

"A tribute to my Mum, even tho John wrote this for a wife. My mum taught my two Brothers and I the love of reading, music, poetry, animals, flowers, the bush and the need to get past adversity, of which she had so much and raised us alone and worked so hard, always thinking of the future but not forgetting the past.

Rest In peace and know you're loved and yes she loved wattle. She somehow found time to help many others a tribute to her loving heart. She once told me she did the best she could and wasn't perfect. I think I was blessed to have her as my mother, mistakes and all."

John Williamson

John Williamson - Cootamundra Wattle
A tribute to my mum.