Photo credit: Michael Leunig
A dedication to all who engage in the art of mothering, be they biological mothers, foster mothers, step-mothers, grandmothers, lesbian mothers, straight mothers, gay dads, straight dads, teachers, artists, activists, peacemakers, community organisers... Anyone and everyone who has ever brought forth and nurtured, in one way or another, life and love into the world.
God be with the mother. Michael Leunig
As she carried her child may she carry her soul.
As her child was born, may she give birth and life and form
to her own, higher truth. As she nourished and protected her child,
may she nourish and protect her inner life and her independence.
For her soul shall be her most painful birth,
her most difficult child and the dearest sister to her other children.
Photo credit: Michael Leunig
Happy Mother’s Year to all!