Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Heralding a new E-book "Balmoral Picnic - past & present

Loving our foreshores

This book supports & follows on from Mosman Meanders & foreshore flavours. 

Mosman Meanders & foreshore flavours
This book published in 2013, features walks around the foreshores of Mosman; its rich history and cultural heritage, with cafe destinations and recipes. It features high quality photos of this beautiful area.    Claire Mitchell & Christopher Maait

First things first  - so here's the painting which will form the cover of the book -
'North Head - Balmoral Beach' by David Boddam-Whetham. 

BALMORAL  - somewhere on the Australian coast

Many of us, in our hearts, claim Balmoral as ‘my beach’ and have connected with it in different layers.

So what makes it so special?
Is it a sense of place?  Its evolving history over an immense period of time can be seen as a microcosm of our colonial history and development.   The gateway between The Heads to the world  holds the significance of all the vessels which passed through.   The First Fleet carried  the  immigrants,  many of them reluctant, who would forge  Australia’s  development into a colony.
Or perhaps  a sense of wonder at the relentless natural beauty -  along with the  appreciation of our cultural heritage; not only of works created,  but the fact  that so many artists, writers and photographers  over the centuries  have found pleasure in its creative expression.
It could be relaxing,  swimming;  strolling along the Promenade;  sipping a good cappuccino while reading the weekend papers; enjoying a café meal  or:- 

simply sharing a picnic with friends    

(& of course recipes - styled re 'fit in your jeans cuisine'

Looking forward to sharing ideas with others who love the spirit & history 

of Balmoral and other amazing  beaches on the Australian Coast.

