Sunday, January 31, 2016

Why Mosman Matters

Some facts
It's unique in so many ways; historically, its cultural heritage and natural beauty along with it's village atmosphere and community spirit.

If the proposed amalgamation with Manly and Warringah, for which the government has no mandate, goes ahead, Mosman would no longer be the same Mosman we know and love.

Details of how you can help prevent this happening are found in the previous post.  


My Camp - Arthur Streeton

Mosman residents want to control their future and Keep Mosman Independent!

Mosman would only have 2/10 councillors on the amalgamated mega-Council. We would be outvoted on all Mosman issues 

Mosman would lose its sense of heritage, local community, and volunteer spirit 

Mosman would lose control over development applications and planning 

Mosman would suffer over-development and increased traffic flow  

Mosman would suffer increased council rates and lose control over spending