Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Glimpse of the Future at Middle Head?

Rally against inappropriate development at Middle Head
A Glimpse of the Future - Cremorne 10 years hence.  1893
Mitchell Library - State Library of NSW

Cremorne Point was one of the first, to be saved from industrialisation and development in the 1890’s, followed by other foreshore areas.

Looking for coal with the diamond drill bore 1891
Mitchell Library - State Library of NSW

"We are fortunate in having many acres of natural bushland, much of which would have been cut up for housing projects years ago had it not been for the military reserves.  These areas are no longer essential to our defence and, if we keep complaining long and loudly enough, they will no doubt be eventually returned to us in the form of a national park.Tales of Old Mosman- Don McLaren
The area's beautiful location and geology resulted in the peninsula being pursued for land development and mineral exploration.
‘The story of Cremorne Point, following European settlement, is a tale of land grabbing, developers' greed and a winning campaign to preserve the foreshore of the peninsula.”
Margaret Park    The Heart of Cremorne Point.
“A very valuable discovery of coal was made last year at Cremorne, Sydney Harbour, by means of Government diamond drill at a depth of 2,929 feet.
At that depth a seam of good steam coal was struck 10 ft 3 ins in thickness. The opening of a collier, on the shores of Port Jackson will prove an additional attraction to large ocean going steamers.
A public outcry protesting against the industrialisation of Cremorne Point and a celebrated law suit, ensured that the 100 feet of reservation around the point was preserved from developers, and mineral exploration.”
The English Mechanic and World of Science 1894

While the Mines Department supported the scheme, the Lands Department refused permission to erect the necessary coal wharves, forcing  Sydney Harbour Collieries Ltd  to find an alternative site at Balmain.

Extract from 'Mosman Meanders & foreshore flavours'