Sunday, December 17, 2017

Mosman Markets & MCC Alive & Well

Mosman Christmas Markets (Sydney of course) alive and well where I'm selling my wares.
Nikki does Zentangle cards and tags, Shirley does Martha Stewart punches and makes fab cards. Claire is my co-author with books galore and Jane,
principal of  Mosman Community College, MCC, (pictured)
Ciao, ciao!      Christopher

Courses taken at MCC by Claire led to her meeting photographer, Christopher Maait, below, as well as many other courses which assisted in the publishing of Mosman Meanders  and
Through the Heads to Balmoral, Sydney.

Zentangle cards and tags a technique
 which Nikki teaches at MCC
Martha Stewart punches make great
Christmas cards as taught by Shirley

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Our foreshores remain in safe hands - thanks

'From my Camp' Arthur Streeton  1896
Art Gallery of NSW
“I shout and laugh at my immense 
wealth, all free and without

Who could steal this from me? 
No one!” 
These are the words of Arthur Streeton,
one of the young artists who escaped
the depression in Europe in the 1890s
and settled in Curlew Camp, one of the
established camps around our foreshores,
in order to explore their environment
 and creativity.
Below is a photo of the same site, Curlew Camp, 120 years later.
The point to be made here is that they look very similar and it's mainly
because of the vigilance of residents, past and present, and the
continuing role played by Mosman Council of valuing and protecting
Mosman's historical and cultural flavour.

Photo – Christopher Maait

"I would like to express my personal thanks to Mosman Council
for its demonstrated energy re the development and management 
of our magnificent foreshores. It's unlikely that a merged
mega-council would have been as responsive or protective.

I'm grateful for the support of the community especially all the
work by my colleagues in MAFA re helping to keep Mosman
independent."  Claire

Monday, March 6, 2017

PROMENADE – “Concrete mad”, they all said.

Mosman Daily - 2 March 2017

MOSMAN Council will revamp the Balmoral Promenade when work starts on a $2.3 million refurbishment next month.

The project is part of the council’s ongoing renewal of Balmoral infrastructure in the past decade, which has included the rotunda, toilet blocks, baths and playground.
Councillors approved of the project going to tender last month.
Balmoral is the council’s largest and most popular asset.
Extract from 'THROUGH THE HEADS to Balmoral, Sydney'  


PROMENADE – “Concrete mad”, they all said.
“…  Later, a promenade was built, which made a big difference to the area. .. they used to have to shovel the sand off the tramlines after heavy winds and rough seas…” Ted  Pethebridge

The public campaign of opposition to the development meant that many councillors did not survive at their next election, being accused by the electors as being ‘concrete mad’.  Not everyone welcomed the exchange of the great sand dunes and the cutting of many more trees, for an English –style promenade.
Well, it was our beautiful sand dunes.  To spoil it with that cement structure was shocking. The same as we hated when they built that monstrosity there.  We thought the bathing pavilion, was the ugliest thing we’d ever seen.” Margaret Ewart   ‘Mosman Voices’

However, many did grow fond of the promenade from the baths to the pavilion, with the beach on one side and the Morton Bay and Port Jackson Figs on the other.

Ps - Mosman Council have always cared well for this beautiful site xx