Wednesday, August 29, 2018

"We need the Rains"

Clara waxes lyrical - "We need the Rains"

 360 degrees horizon 
Following a visit to catch up with G's family in Dooen - Wimmera - Victoria
Dooen Pub is alive and well today and still fulfills a vital purpose as a meeting place for farmers, residents and travellers to tell their tales, share time with others to renew their faith that the arid earth will be quenched in time. Clara

Wheat silos near Dooen

Dooen Hotel opened in 1876
 (Photographed 2004)


"We need the Rains"
Clara -  Easter 2001  - for G

Dooen Pub

What'chya been doin' all this time
Since they built you in 1876?
On a vast dry plain beside this endless road
Only silos to interrupt the wide horizon.
"We need the rains," you must have said,
and still do now.

You've quenched the thirsts, heard the tales
Of those brave folk who toiled and sweated
Endured the drought yet kept their faith 
That the parched earth would yield its golden bounty.
"We need the rains," they must have said,
and still do now.

Horse and cart; semi-trailers, cars 
Bring a thirsty crowd to drink, to tell their tales 
Share time with others to renew their faith
That this arid earth will be quenched in time
"We need the rains," they must have said,
and still do now.

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